Table of Contents
Why am I doing this assignment?
Let’s build a small database of NYC data stories as inspiration for our upcoming data story pitch. Find (at least) one data story about New York City from any news outlet. The form below asks you to quickly summarize the story for your classmates, and categorize it. If the story doesn’t fit one of the categories I mentioned in class, please create your own category and let’s talk about it in class! If you want to submit more than one, feel free!
Here is a link to everyone’s responses! (you can see last year’s responses in there as well for context - try not to duplicate someone else’s answer so we end up with a nice robust database of examples of NYC data stories we’ve all built together)
Browse NYC Data (a few sources are linked below) or any dataset of your choice that you think may be related to a topic you’d like to pitch about. You don’t need a hypothesis just yet, just an interest. The goal is to just familiarize yourself with the kinds of data available.
NYC Open Data Website
Awesome guide from the library for all kinds of NYC data
Note: Here are a few other data archives. You’re welcome to find an NYC-focused dataset (or a dataset with an NYC angle in it) at one of these if nothing in NYC Open Data suits your fancy.
Pick a dataset and fill out the following form:
Everyone’s responses will be visible to everyone else here:
It can be about the data, or just about an NYC topic you are thinking of writing about in general. For example, if you’re looking at water quality data, you may want to just poke around and ask some people how their water is. If someone says something interesting, you can follow up with a longer conversation. Come up with a few open-ended questions related to your area of interest and ask them to someone! No hypothesis necessary. No pressure to get something meaningful out of the interview. You’re welcome to do it on background or off-the-record. When you’re done, fill out an interview form (below).